In my honest opinion, 2019 did not offer a game which had so much to show off regarding graphical beauty, but at the same time contained so few quality content as Control. Control is a mediocre game and I don’t understand why it was praised so much after release. For me, it just missed its potential and that’s a shame.
I often felt like the protagonist of a B-movie, and the core of the game proved itself to be just another repetitive battle against countless enemies by shooting with modded guns or by launching stuff with a force based on your skill and energy levels. Might sound special? Well actually, not really….
Below you can find some footages of Control, the game which I finished in 22 hours and which I will probably never play again…
It looks of course very appealing …
Who is the boss now?
Is it always the person who holds the gun?
I don’t call this a spoiler.
A fully 100% agree!!
Dark, grey, mysterious environments, but maybe too much of the same…
Everything looks nice pre-rendered…
Okay, there might be some limits. This is better than just nice.
Intriguing red lights, hanging bodies which could be hostile, and (too) much of shooting. That’s Control in a nutshell. Next!