As Silverfall Complete was available at a high discount on GoG, I just jumped right into it. However, some additional configuration was needed to make it more enjoyable.
First, you need to be aware of a bug on higher resolutions with the Configuration Tool where the graphical options can be set. After installing the game, a part of this tool was not visible on my 4K monitor.
To fix this, I went to the Config subfolder of the installation path of the game – for me “X:\Silverfall\Data\Config” – where I opened the Config.ini and modified the height and the width of the tool into 800×600.
WIDTH = 800
HEIGHT = 600
After this, all settings were back available to be configured properly. Another way to workaround this issue is to copy-paste the content of my XML files into yours (all settings at max for 4K resolution).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
Next, the too small fonts were also an issue. However this cannot be completely fixed, still it can be improved by copying 4 times the file Times27.fnt, located in the subfolder Fonte, for me X:\Silverfall\Data\Fonte, and giving each copied Times27.fnt file the name of another to be expected file in that folder (after removing the original one).
Alternatively, you can also manipulate each link to the .fnt files in Panel_Dialog.ini file, for me in “X:\Silverfall\Data\Overlay\Game\Panel_Dialog.ini” to make use of Times27.fnt.
Third and last fix worth mentioning here, is how to improve the camera. I wanted it to work like in a modern third person RPG. For this, again, I created an AutoHotKey script. Actually, it’s a very basic but effective script. The script switches between a pressed/unpressed middle mouse button (by default this button performs the lookaround functionality when pressed) with the NumLock 4 key, very similar as the one I created for Dragon Age – Origins.
#NoEnv #SingleInstance Force #usehook SetTitleMatchMode 2 #Persistent DetectHiddenWindows, On sendMode Input #InstallKeybdHook #InstallMouseHook SetDefaultMouseSpeed, 0 SetMouseDelay, -1 SetKeyDelay, -1 SetWinDelay, -1 SetBatchLines, -1 SetControlDelay -1 #MaxThreads 30 #MaxHotKeysPerInterval 1000 #MaxThreadsBuffer on #KeyHistory 0 ;============== ;===========HOTKEYS============== ;Press (Numberpad 4 or w/e you assign) to toggle hotkey, Numpad4, freelooktgl ;Press (ALT+v or w/e you assign) to pause/unpause the script ;! = ALT Key hotkey, !v, Psescipt ;===========-------------======== freelooktgl: sleep 10 GetKeyState, state, MButton ;===========-------------============== if state = U { GetKeyState, state2, MButton if state2 = U { send, {MButton down} } else if state2 = D { send, {MButton up} } } ;===========-------------============== if state = D { GetKeyState, state2, MButton if state2 = U { send, {MButton down} } else if state2 = D { send, {MButton up} } } Return ;===========-------------============== Psescipt: Suspend Pause,,1 SoundBeep return ;===========-------------==============
To launch Silverfall automatically using GoG with this AutoHotKey script enabled, you can use the content below to create a batch file (give it .cmd or .bat as file extension). Don’t forget to run this batch file as administrator!
@echo off echo Executing AutoHotkey scripts and launching GOG... "C:\Scripts\silverfall_MMK.ahk" | "X:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Galaxy\GalaxyClient.exe" /gameId=1284627191 /command=runGame /path="X:\Silverfall\silverfall.exe" pause > NUL
That’s how to play Silverfall like a modern RPG!