I did not enjoy the second Witcher game as much as I did the first, as to me Witcher 2 felt like a too ambitious idea that resulted in an rushed, incoherent and thus unfinished product. So I was very curious if the third one could eliminate that bad aftertaste again.
Luckily, it really did! I just had to install one small AutoHotKey tweak for the horse riding, as holding down the sprint key was not an option and when trying to use mods for this , my horse was always “broken”. So I created the scipt below instead. Btw I use ‘Left-Alt’ in the game for sprinting, so edit ‘LAlt’ and ‘Numpad4’ in the script to your preferred buttons.
For more usage info, check my posts about Silverfall or about Dragon Age – Origins.
#NoEnv #SingleInstance Force #usehook SetTitleMatchMode 2 #Persistent DetectHiddenWindows, On sendMode Input #InstallKeybdHook #InstallMouseHook SetDefaultMouseSpeed, 0 SetMouseDelay, -1 SetKeyDelay, -1 SetWinDelay, -1 SetBatchLines, -1 SetControlDelay -1 #MaxThreads 30 #MaxHotKeysPerInterval 1000 #MaxThreadsBuffer on #KeyHistory 0 ;============== ;===========HOTKEYS============== ;Press (Numberpad 4 or w/e you assign) to toggle hotkey, Numpad4, sprinttgl ;Press (ALT+v or w/e you assign) to pause/unpause the script ;! = ALT Key hotkey, !v, Psescipt ;===========-------------======== sprinttgl: sleep 10 GetKeyState, state, LAlt ;===========-------------============== if state = U { GetKeyState, state2, LAlt if state2 = U { send, {LAlt down} } else if state2 = D { send, {LAlt up} } } ;===========-------------============== if state = D { GetKeyState, state2, LAlt if state2 = U { send, {LAlt down} } else if state2 = D { send, {LAlt up} } } Return ;===========-------------============== Psescipt: Suspend Pause,,1 SoundBeep return ;===========-------------==============